
Deve Mehta, 20岁

娜塔莉·阿姆斯特朗,20岁, 主修环境分析,辅修地质学, 获得了格陵兰岛富布赖特奖, 她将在哪里教英语. She hopes to build upon her experience of studying in the Arctic to utilize a collaborative and engaging teaching pedagogy that will include storytelling, 玩阅读和写作,创造一个包罗万象的课堂. 教室外, Armstrong would like to work with the Arctic Youth Network to connect students with different backgrounds. 她计划攻读环境研究博士学位和环境法博士学位.

Deve Mehta, 20岁

凯·比德尔,20岁, 环境分析专业, is the recipient of a Fulbright Nehru award to India to research if India’s 2% bill will help the world achieve 100% sustainability. He plans to explore why environmental sustainability seems to be de-prioritized compared with other categories for investment specified in the 2% bill. 参与社区活动, 比德尔计划成为杨吉斯坦基金会的志愿者, working on the Bright Spark Education Program to motivate young children to stay in school. 在未来, Bidell would like to work in the sustainability department of a large corporation and eventually earn an MBA.

海莉·伯格, 她主修生物化学,获得富布赖特奖学金到尼泊尔教英语. Burger plans to use the pedagogy of learning language through stories as it is both reciprocal and collaborative in nature. Her community engagement will consist of connecting with local community health workers to explore my interests in public health issues from the 尼泊尔i perspective. Burger’s future plans include attending graduate school in the field of environmental public health research.

Deve Mehta, 20岁

普里西拉·科比安16岁, 主修社会学/西班牙语,辅修墨西哥裔研究, 获得富布赖特奖学金去墨西哥教英语. 过去两年了, 科比安曾在推荐十大正规网赌网站担任住宿主任和多元化与包容协调员. 作为一名ETA讲师, she hopes to help build a community within the classroom so that students feel comfortable and lose the fear often associated with learning a new language. One activity for her community engagement would be to join a dance class of ballet folklórico or the local, 地区的舞蹈. Cobian plans to attend graduate school in education and continue to work with first-generation college students.

Deve Mehta, 20岁

埃莉安娜·考恩,20岁, 人类生物学专业, is the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship to 尼泊尔 to research maternal mental health that will focus on the mental healthcare gap emerging from the transition occurring in the healthcare system and evaluate maternal mental health in Jumla, 尼泊尔. 社区参与将融入考恩对艺术的热爱, nature and medicinal plants to engage in conversations on these topics and discuss local plant knowledge. 回到美国后,她计划在巴斯尔大学学习自然疗法. 此外,考恩打算攻读医学人类学博士学位.

奥古斯特·卡恩, 宗教研究专业, 获得富布赖特奖学金到德国教英语, where he hopes to be considered for the diversity program and use English education as a way to enhance connections of refugees to Europe while avoiding systems of assimilation. 在一个由德国出生的学生和难民组成的混合班级, he will make English learning a point of encounter not only within the classroom but as a window of exposure to ideas beyond the context of the class. 教室外, Kahn will work with local activists and educators with the hope of starting an afterschool program for Muslim and Jewish secondary school students. 回到美国后, he will continue his involvement with Muslim-Jewish solidarity and use his experience in Germany to understand a global context for this relationship. He hopes to enroll in rabbinical school and continue working in the area of interfaith activism.

艾思梅·克莱恩,19岁, 有机体生物学专业, is a recipient of a Fulbright to do research in Panama where she will be investigating historic drivers of coral reef decline in Bocas del Toro. Kline’s research will involve three phases: physical collection of coral cores; extraction of skeletal material for geochemical analyses and development of growth chronologies and analyses of results. 为了补充她的研究和社区参与, she plans to work with the mentorship program “Mujeres del Océano” or Women of the Ocean that aims to empower local girls to become more comfortable in the ocean and deepen their connection with the ocean through activities such as surfing, 浮潜和清理海滩. 她未来的计划是攻读海洋生态系统和社会的博士学位. 

Megan Schmiesing, 20岁, 主修环境分析/辅修西班牙语, has been awarded a Fulbright to Spain to teach English where she will utilize her previous ESL experience to instill a sense of curiosity and mutual respect for cross-cultural learning in classrooms in Spain. 促进社区参与, 她希望加入教堂唱诗班,因为音乐是人与人之间最好的桥梁之一. Thus she hopes to create deeper connections within the community and immerse herself culturally while also sharing her passion for music. 她未来的计划包括获得法律学位.

Deve Mehta, 20岁

Emily Sender ' 20, 主修美国研究,辅修西班牙语, 是否获得富布赖特奖学金到墨西哥教英语. Drawing upon previous experiences in Mexico including research for her senior thesis focused on deportees and returnee migrants in Mexico, Emily hopes to continue to engage in the complex relationship between the United States and Mexico. 教室外, Emily desires to work with migrant communities and to engage in meaningful relationships with students and community members. 

Deve Mehta, 20岁

西蒙·沃林斯基,20岁, 非洲研究和西班牙语双学位, has been awarded a Fulbright to Colombia to teach English where she will take part in Colombia’s commitment to schooling as an English teacher instructing future educators. 在哥伦比亚教书让沃林斯基很感兴趣, especially with the implementation of the history-making reparations program that incorporates educational assistance measures at its core. Community engagement will consist of engaging with communities who create art as an act of resistance which she has witnessed happen throughout the African diaspora. 沃林斯基未来的计划包括攻读法学博士学位, 注重环境正义政策,改善种族关系, 环境卫生和教育机会.